LEE Ryan probably hasn’t heard of the old adage ‘think before you speak‘.
Even before he became a Celebrity
Big Brother love rat, the Blue singer was always opening his mouth
before engaging his brain.
Here we’ve rounded up the best of his musings on life, the world, and
Lee on 9/11…
“What about whales? They are ignoring animals that are more important.
Animals need saving and that’s more important. This New York thing is being
blown out of proportion. Who gives a **** about New York when elephants are
being killed?”
Lee on the government…
“If I said what I was really thinking about this f*****-up world, the
government would assassinate me like all the other people they’ve killed.”
Lee on Harry Styles…
“Had another dream about Harry Styles. Weird. We was wearing the same
shirt at a party full of f***-ups, everyone was off there nut! Lol”
Lee on love… and sex
“Being in love is like playing Russian Roulette.. One of you could
potentially be shot down first and one will walk away to play again.”
“I try not to sleep with every girl I see, but it’s hard!”
“I’m an expert at kissing girls’ necks, they love it. Girls say I’m quite
sensitive, but I’m hyperactive too.”
“I’d love to do porn. I would! I think I’d be great. I’d be brilliant. I
wouldn’t stop though, that’s the hard thing about being a porn star.”
Lee trying to chat up MTV presenter Laura Whitmore…
“Are you f***ing anyone at the moment?”
Lee on his singing career…
“I was in the top 10 rock’n’roll artists – up there with Sid Vicious. I
always had that edge.”
“I’m not f***ing Bono!”
Lee on aliens…
“I heard that aliens are up In those mountains digging for something
precious. More precious than gold.. They exist, I’ve seen them twice now.”
“People think I’m crazy, but I’m not bothered what anyone thinks. I
believe I’m from somewhere else, and I was put on this plain for a purpose.
I’ve met other star children, too. We’re like spirits who move from world to
Lee on life…
“Early bird catches the early worm…. Feel like a f***ing sparrow this
“Sometimes small steps take you further than big steps….. Learning to
pace yourself and breathe can be the hardest walk of life.”
“I just had a lovely meal and feel so full… Just makes you realise how
privileged you actually are to even know what it feels like.”
Lee on geography…
“So New Year’s resolutions this year. I want to do the Inca trail, Want
to find an elephant & talk to it through telepathy! Imagine!!? Amazing.”
Lee on animals…
“There is something really mysterious about lions. They could rip you apart if
they wanted to, but at the same time they look so cuddly. Can you imagine
what humans look like to animals? They must think we’re so weird.”
Lee on his threesomes…
“Me and Duncan (from Blue) had threesomes! We did some crazy s*** with
each other. It’s not weird… you just high-five each other. I think they
call it a spit-roast.”
Lee on the passing of time…
“Funny that from last year and the years before I will never be that
person again…Sometimes who you want to be isn’t who you really are.”
And lastly, Lee on Lee…
“To be honest everything goes over my head a bit.”
“I’m a bordering genius.”
“If you go on the internet and type in ‘Lee Ryan one-liners’, I think I’m
on par with Gandhi.”