THE heart-warming moment that a baby born with incurable illness says ‘I love
you’ to his mum has been captured by his parents.
A very excited Jaxon was working on his “I love you’s” this morning! #JaxonStrong
Posted by on Wednesday, 7 October 2015
One-year-old Jaxon Buell was born last August with Microhydranencephaly, an
abnormality of brain development that causes reduced head size and a ridged
The brave tot, who has been nicknamed ‘Jaxon Strong’, has
defied doctor’s predictions by fighting his condition every day.
On his crowd funding page, his parents have described how important it is that
Jaxon “reached a miraculous milestone in celebrating his first birthday”.
The Buell family have given every support for Jaxon, with his mum Brittany
staying at home and providing him with constant care.
Disgustingly, the tot has been targeted by internet trolls, with Katie Hopkins
causing a stir by calling him “it”.
Luckily, the positive support has outweighed the nasty comments, as the
Buell’s have raised over $130,000 on their page.
Donations are helping to fund Jaxon’s ongoing medical care and provide
Brittany the financial security she needs as a carer.