THESE 13 obese animals have a combined weight of 46st 8lb, which has won them
the dubious honour of being enrolled in a pet slimming contest.
The group of dogs, cats and one rabbit are all so fat they have made it to the
final of Pet Fit Club and will now vie to see who can drop the most weight.
Among the motley crew is American bulldog Cilla, who weighs 8st 7lb, and her
pal Shyla, who is a slightly more svelte 7st 13lb.
The pair need to shift almost 4st between them, with their owner Alan Thomas
admitting their diets of crumpets, pasta and biscuits are to blame.
Tubby Lucy the cat has ballooned to a whopping 1st 5lbs making her weight 120
per cent more than it should be.
Her owner Vicky Wood, 85, took her in last year and was told she was pregnant.
This led to double portions for Lucy – but unfortunately she wasn’t expecting,
so packed on the pounds.
Tyty the Chihuahua weighs 12lb which doesn’t sound like a lot, but he should
be closer to 7lb.
This portly pooch is a greedy customer too, he’s been known to nick food right
out of other dogs’ mouths. He also pinches chocolate from his owner, even
though it’s poisonous for hounds, and is so fat he can hardly jump onto the
Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, Oscar, is 80 per cent overweight at 3st 6lbs.
He loves to munch on Sunday dinners and always has leftovers too, but his
owner June Lawrence has vowed to help him slim as she feels so guilty that
her treats have made him fat.
Puff’s owner realised it was probably time to take action when she became too
rotund for her car carrier.
She weighs a hefty 1st 3lbs and loves eating so much she’s been known to help
herself to fish food from the tank.
It’s much the same story from cunning cat Jack, who’s been supplementing his
daily food by visiting neighbours and getting extra portions from them.
He weighs 1st 1lb, with his owner June Smith discovering his wily ways after
she couldn’t understand why he was so big.
It turned out Jack had been visiting four people who live near her and getting
treats from them.
Poor Pebbles is the only bunny in the competition and weighs a whopping 10lb,
which is 50 per cent overweight.
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Although his owner thought she was giving him the right food, the muesli she
chose was packed with sugar and saw this bunny start to bulge.
Also making the cut is American Bulldog Tia who can’t stop munching on sausage
and bacon fry-ups, Mikey the cat who has taken a fancy to Doritos, popcorn
and cornflakes, Kaspa the Labrador whose favourite treat is a Chelsea bun,
Ethel the British Bulldog who shamefully has been known to pinch from kids’
lunchboxes and cat Entei who wolfs down food quickly.
The contest is organised by charity ,
which claims around a third of UK pets have weight problems.