AN expert has revealed how often you should clean your bed sheets and the
answer – at least ONCE A WEEK – may surprise a few people.
According to Philip Tierno of the New York University School of Medicine,
people should be shoving their linen in the wash every seven days.
Philip undertook a study to compile a list of things that people are sleeping
on without even realising – and the results are disgusting.
This is just an edited list of the things that are lurking in between your
sheets and they include fungi, bacteria, soil, sweat, sputum, vaginal juice,
poo, urine and skin.
In addition to this, scientists found that over the period of a year, there
are also around 100 litres of sweat that seep into your bedding.
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And if the disgusting nature of what you may be lying on doesn’t already put
you off, not washing your sheets can also result in allergies.
Philip explained: “Stuff like that accumulates to become significant
usually between one or two weeks.
“Bottom line, they should be washed probably on the average of once a