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Is your headache pill giving you a bigger headache?

(or even heart failure)

AN alarming number of us are addicted to painkillers – with 30,000 Brits
reliant on over-the-counter drugs.

It seems young adults have the largest problem — with one in three 18 to
24-year-olds on medication such as paracetamol or ibuprofen daily, say Tiger

The British Medical Association say the average Brit takes around 373
painkillers each year — with one in 20 of us popping at least six pills
every time we feel the smallest symptom.

But there are rising concerns that regularly knocking back painkillers
could have long-term effects on health.

Clinical pharmacologist Dr Fabrizio Schifano says: “What’s most staggering
about these figures is they are averages.

“There are significant numbers of people out there taking far, far more than
this — often without understanding the risks or considering the underlying

Instead of considering which painkiller is best, he says, we go for the first
thing we find and with little care for dosages or side-effects.

A recent survey by High Street chemists Lloyds Pharmacy found 57 per cent of
headache sufferers choose the wrong drug and 70 per cent of people with
muscle cramp don’t know how to treat it.

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Dr Schifano asks: “If you’re using anti-inflammatory drug ibuprofen to ease
your joint aches and pains, are you thinking about the possible gastric
irritation it could cause you — and that this painkiller may raise your risk
of heart failure?” .

The hazards go further — taking painkillers such as aspirin in pregnancy
almost doubles a woman’s risk of losing her baby, a Californian study found,
while paracetamol can cause irreversible liver damage even at slight
overdose levels.

There is also a danger of becoming over-reliant. According to the journal
Pain, around 30,000 Brits are addicted to over-the-counter drugs, including
painkillers, and the main culprits are drugs containing codeine and

Dr Jane Flemming, a London GP, says: “These drugs are very effective but are
physically addictive if taken for too long.

Common painkillers taken for long-term back pain and arthritis could be
causing the deaths of 2,000 people a year in this country alone, Pain
reports. That’s three times as many deaths as from cervical cancer.

Ironically, around 500,000 women and 100,000 men in the UK suffer daily
headaches caused by overuse of painkillers.

Research suggests frequent use of drugs such as codeine, paracetamol,
ibuprofen and aspirin can often be the main reason people suffer repeated
headaches and between a quarter and two-thirds of sufferers overuse

The more a painkiller is taken, the more resistant the body becomes. So
sufferers resort to a stronger painkiller.

When the medication wears off, they can get a withdrawal headache, prompting
them to down yet more meds.

Professor Andrew Charles, director of the University of California’s headache
research programme, says: “Over time, drugs can effectively rewire your
system and predispose you to more headaches.”

Other experts believe headache tablets erode the body’s natural pain barrier.

Ibuprofen packet and tablets


Dr Schifano says: “Always try to see headaches and other pains as symptoms of
some other condition, such as stress, bad posture or dehydration — and if
you’re concerned, speak to your GP.

“You need to deal with the cause rather than mask symptoms. Or, like countless
others, you can become dependent.”

If you don’t fancy pills, try:

PEPPERMINT: A US study found 95 per cent of headache sufferers cured
pain by rubbing peppermint extract on their forehead. (from £3.71 a stick at

OLIVE OIL: A 50g helping of extra-virgin olive oil gives a similar
painkilling effect to about ten per cent of the ibuprofen dose recommended
for adult pain relief.

CAT’S CLAW: Cat’s claw, or uncaria tomentosa, has strong
anti-inflammatory substances, making it effective for arthritis or back pain
(£11.95 for a 50ml tincture from lewtress.co.uk).


BENEFITS: Relieves pain.

RISKS: Studies warn that pregnant women who frequently use paracetamol
could increase the chance of their child suffering from wheezing.

SIDE EFFECTS: Paracetamol in high doses is toxic to the liver. Effects
may not be obvious until two to three days later. But just 15 pills can be
enough to kill. Never exceed the stated dose and don’t take it continually
for more than a few days.


BENEFITS: Tackles pain from inflammation.

RISKS: Could be linked to an increased risk of heart attack.

SIDE EFFECTS: Irritates the stomach lining, causing indigestion and
nausea. In the long term, it can lead to gastric ulcers. The Medical
Research Council warns ibuprofen can increase risk of heart attacks in
patients who take it in relatively high doses for chronic inflammatory
conditions such as arthritis.


BENEFITS: Can cut risk of heart attack or stroke.

RISKS: Aspirin has been linked to an increased chance of bleeding in
both the stomach and brain.

SIDE EFFECTS: Irritates stomach lining and can cause ulcers and
bleeding. Some people are allergic to aspirin, developing a skin rash,
breathing problems or swelling. Steer clear if you have a stomach ulcer.
Asthmatics should avoid aspirin as it can trigger attacks.


BENEFITS: Good for one-off relief of sudden pain.

RISKS: Tell your GP if you have liver, kidney or lung problems.

SIDE EFFECTS: Can cause sluggish bowel movement or constipation. Not to
be used regularly for chronic pain or recurrent headaches. You may become
dependent and suffer restlessness and irritation if you stop taking it. You
could also develop a tolerance, making it less effective.